Citrix MetaFrame XP 1.0 for Windows with Feature Release 2

Коды ошибок Citrix Management Console

Код ошибки
Код ошибки
Сообщение Источник
-1072297332 c0160a8cПотеряно соединение с Farm Metric Server. Окно наблюдателя (watcher) может некорректно отображать состояние фермы. ResourceMgr
-1072297322 c0160a96 Ошибка при попытке получить подробности с Farm Metric Server.ResourceMgr
-1072297321c0160a97Ошибка при при попытке установки Farm Metric Servers. ResourceMgr
-1072297319 c0160a99 No alarm objects have been returned from the monitor. ResourceMgr
-1072297318 c0160a9a Невозможно полчить число экземпляров. ResourceMgr
-1072297312 c0160aa0 Ошибка при чтении итоговой информации.ResourceMgr
-1072297311 c0160aa1 Ошибка при записи итоговой информации. ResourceMgr
-1072297302 c0160aaa Невозможно получить список проигнорированных процессов. ResourceMgr
-1072297301 c0160aab Невозможно сохранить новый список проигнорированных процессов.ResourceMgr
-1072297300 c0160aac Невозможно сохранить новый список проигнорированных процессов:<processnamer> .ResourceMgr
-1072297282 c0160abe Неверное имя приложения. Оно не может содержать ни один из символов: &kt;список символов>l; ResourceMgr
-1072297281 c0160abf Resource Manager не отвечает. ResourceMgr
-1072297280 c0160ac0 Ошибка при попытке создания приложения. Код ошибки: <ошибка>.ResourceMgr
-1072297277 c0160ac3 Вам необходимо указать имя приложения.ResourceMgr
-1072297276 c0160ac4 Вы должны указать полный маршрут и имя файла приложения. ResourceMgr
-1072297275 c0160ac5 Вы должны выбрать минимум один сервер.ResourceMgr
-1072297274 c0160ac6 Вы не указали имя нового приложения.ResourceMgr
-1072297273 c0160ac7 Это имя приложения уже существует. Введите другое имя.ResourceMgr
-1072297272 c0160ac8 Ошибка при изменении свойств приложения. The error returned was: <error>.ResourceMgr
-1072297271 c0160ac9 Ошибка отправки запроса counter list из Farm Metric Server.ResourceMgr
-1072297270 c0160aca Ошибка при общении с monitor subsystem. ResourceMgr
-1072297268 c0160acc Ошибка при изменении свойств приложения. Убедитесь, что хранилище данных доступно.ResourceMgr
-1072297262 c0160ad2 Ошибка чтения свойств метрики приложения. ResourceMgr
-1072297261 c0160ad3 Ошибка выбрки свойств метрики ResourceMgr
-1072297260 c0160ad4 Ошибка записи свойств метрики приложения ResourceMgr
-1072297259 c0160ad5 Ошибка записи свойст метрики сервера. ResourceMgr
-1072297258c0160ad6An error occurred while updating the application metrics. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297257c0160ad7An error occurred while updating the application metric properties. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297245c0160ae3An unknown error occurred while trying to get the log for <error>. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297232c0160af0Error sending request for Farm Metric Server ID. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297231c0160af1Error sending request for counter list from Farm Metric Server. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297230c0160af2The Farm Metric Server cannot be contacted. Check the Farm Metric Servers are running and that you can connect to them. Resource Manager will not function correctly as a result. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297229c0160af3Error sending request for Database Connection Server. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297228c0160af4Unable to identify Database Connection Server. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297221c0160afbFailed to set alerts configuration. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297216c0160b00Failed to set SNMP alerts configuration: <error>. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297212c0160b04Failed to get MAPI alerts configuration. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297200c0160b10Must supply a gateway name. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297199c0160b11Must supply a user name. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297198c0160b12Must supply a group name. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297197c0160b13Gateway "<gatewayname>" already exists. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297196c0160b14User or group name "<groupname>" already exists. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297195c0160b15Illegal character(s) in phone number. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297194c0160b16Cannot add a user - configure a gateway first. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297193c0160b17Cannot add a group - configure a user first. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297192c0160b18Cannot delete gateway while a user item still refers to it. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297182c0160b22Failed to retrieve report: <reportname>. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297180c0160b24Failed to save report: <reportname>. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297179c0160b25Failed to convert report: <reportname>. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297142c0160b4aCitrix Resource Manager is not Licensed. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297141c0160b4bUnable to contact IMA service running on. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297140c0160b4cUnable to contact IMA service running on. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297139c0160b4dReceived an invalid packet from the IMA service running on. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297137c0160b4fThere was no response from Resource Manager. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297136c0160b50You must specify server(s) for which you want the report. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297135c0160b51You must specify at least one user for which you want the report. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297134c0160b52There was no response from Resource Manager. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
-1072297134c0160b52You must specify at least one process for which you want the report. ResourceMgrResourceMgr
5001F4A timeout has occured! Please try again! AdminMgrAdminMgr
5101FEA group name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > | AdminMgrAdminMgr
5111FFPlease enter a group name! AdminMgrAdminMgr
512200An object with the same name already exists in the target folder! AdminMgrAdminMgr
513201Can't rename folder! AdminMgrAdminMgr
514202The selected folder is not empty. A folder cannot be deleted until it is empty. AdminMgrAdminMgr
515203Can't delete folder! AdminMgrAdminMgr
516204The selected folder is not empty. A folder cannot be moved until it is empty. AdminMgrAdminMgr
517205Can't move folder! AdminMgrAdminMgr
518206A folder name cannot contain more than 256 characters! AdminMgrAdminMgr
7002BCThe license list is incomplete. The request for information could have timed out. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
7012BDFailed to initialize list control. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
7022BEThere was an unexpected internal error in processing this action. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
7032BFThe view could not be refreshed. The view could not be found. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
7042C0The view could not be refreshed. The selection in the tree changed unexpectedly. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
7052C1The license list is incomplete. An error occurred while getting the information. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
7102C6You must have Administrator rights to run this application. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
800320The license could not be added. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
801321The license could not be added. It is already installed. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
802322The license could not be added. It is not a valid serial number. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
803323The license could not be added. The licensing subsystem did not respond. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
804324The license could not be added. The product associated with this license was not found in this farm. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
805325The serialnumber must be entered in the following format: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
806326You have reached the maximum number of license packs allowed per server. You cannot install additional license packs. Please contact Citrix Technical Support. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
807327Please enter a serial number. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
820334The license could not be removed. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
821335None of the selected licenses could be removed. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
822336Not all of the Licenses were successfully removed. There might be a delay before the license information is updated. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
823337This product license cannot be removed. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
824338There was an unexpected internal error in removing these licenses. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
825339The license may or may not have been removed because the request timed out. There might be a delay before the license information is updated. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
82633AThelicenses mayormaynot havebeenremoved because the request timed out. There might be a delay before the license information is updated. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
83033EThe activation code must be entered in the following format: XXXXX-XXXXX. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
83133FThe license could not be activated. It may already be activated. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
832340The license could not be activated. The activation code is incorrect. Check that you entered the code correctly. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
833341The license could not be activated. The licensing subsystem did not respond. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
834342Please enter an activation code. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
850352Could not find assignment data. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
851353There are no licenses in this license set. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
852354All of the licenses in this license set are already assigned to servers. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
853355The license could not be assigned. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
854356The full <license number> could not be assigned. Only <number> was assigned. It may take a moment for this change to appear fully in the views. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
855357Please select a server in the tree. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
856358The license could not be assigned. You cannot assign more than one of each product license to a server. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
857359Please enter a value between 1 and <number>. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
85835AThis assignment already exists. This product license has already been assigned to the selected server. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
85935BThere are no licenses installed on thisfarm. You must add (and activate) one or more licenses to make them available for assignment. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
86035CNone of the licenses installed on this farm are available for assignment. You cannot assign Inactivated, Evaluation,or Expired licenses to a Citrix server. For existing license assignments, you must drop or reduce the assignment before you can assign the license to a new Citrix server. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
870366The selected assignment could not be dropped. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
871367Some of the selected assignments could not be dropped. There might be a delay before the license information is updated. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
872368None of the selected assignments could be dropped. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
880370License assignment could not be changed. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
881371The full <license number> could not be assigned. Only <number> was assigned. It may take a moment for this change to appear fully in the views. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
882372This license cannot be pooled. LicenseMgrLicenseMgr
1100?An unknown error occurred while loading "(Plugin name)." Its features will not be available during this session. PluginMgrPluginMgr
1300514The ICA Display settings could not be changed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1301515The product code you entered was invalid. The server's product code has not been changed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1302516The product code you entered was invalid. None of the servers' product codes have been changed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1305519The product code could not be changed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
130651AThe value entered for maximum memory to use for each session's graphics is too low. Please enter a value of at least 150 kilobytes. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
130751BFailed to change the listening TCP port for the Citrix XML Service! ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
130851CSome servers' product codes were changed, but some could not be. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
130951DNone of the servers' product codes could be changed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
131151FPlease make sure that the Reset value is greater or equal than the Set value. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1312520Session information is not available for this session. User information will be refreshed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1313521Failed to disconnect session. User information will be refreshed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1314522Failed to connect session. User information will be refreshed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1314522Wrong password. Letters in passwords must be typed using the correct case. Make sure that Caps lock is not accidentally on. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1315523Failed to reset session. User information will be refreshed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1316524Unable to send message to the selected session. User information will be refreshed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1317525Status information is not available for this session. User information will be refreshed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1318526Unable to collect process data for this server. The request timed out. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1319527Unable to collect session data for this server. The request timed out. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1320528The Auto Client Reconnect settings could not be changed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1330532Please choose a Feature Release level. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1331533The Feature Release level could not be changed. ServerMgrNewServerMgrNew
1600640A zone with the same name already exists! IMACoreSettingsMgrIMACoreSettingsMgr
1601641A zone cannot be deleted until all servers have been removed from it! IMACoreSettingsMgrIMACoreSettingsMgr
1602642A zone must contain at least one server! IMACoreSettingsMgr
555515B3Filename does not exist on host! Ext.Widgets.IconChooserIconChooser
56501612The data store is not available. Some features may not be available. Ext.Framework.ToolsTools
21474836598000000BThe operation to remove the server from farm has timed out, but it may have succeeded. AdminUserMgrAdminUserMgr
21474836608000000CThe persistent store server cannot be removed. AdminUserMgrAdminUserMgr
214859802180110105The load evaluator name is already being used. Please use a different name. LMSAdminLMSAdmin
214859802280110106Cannot delete the default evaluator. LMSAdminLMSAdmin
214859802380110107The load evaluator is still in use. Please detach the load evaluator from any servers or applications before deleting. LMSAdminLMSAdmin
2149318670801C000EThe server is still reachable, and cannot be removed. It should be removed by uninstall program. AdminUserMgrAdminUserMgr
3221553157C0050005Could not read application data from the Citrix server farm. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553158C0050006Could not write application data to the Citrix server farm. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553159C0050007Could not delete application data from the Citrix server farm. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553162C005000ADisplay Name not specified. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553163C005000BThe Display Name already exists in this application folder. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553166C005000EThe Application Name cannot contain any of the following characters: \/;:.*?=<>|[]()'" MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553167C005000FThe command line is required to publish an application. Enter the path and filename of the application's executable file in the Command Line box. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553167C005000FThe content address is required to publish a content. Enter the UNC or the URL address for the content. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553170C0050012The window size specified is too small. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553171C0050013The window size specified is too large. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553173C0050015File paths cannot contain any of the following characters: /*?"<>| MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553174C0050016The ICA file name you entered cannot be found. Use the Browse button to locate and select the ICA file. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553175C0050017Unable to write the file to disk. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553178C005001AThe Display Name cannot contain any of the following characters: \/;:.*?=<>|[]()'" MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553180C005001CThe application has a minimum required encryption level of: <level>. You cannot create an ICA file with an encryption level less than this. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553181C005001DThe application has a minimum audio requirement. You must specify an audio setting. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553182C005001EYou must enter a TCP/IP port between 1 and 65536. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553182C005001EYou must specify a server to get browsing information from. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3221553186C0050022The Application Name may only have a maximum of 38 ANSI characters, or 19 UNICODE characters. MetaFramePubAppMgrMetaFramePubAppMgr
3222470657C0130001Failed to add Network Print Server <servername>. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470658C0130002The specified Network Print Server has already been added. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470659C0130003The specified Network Print Server could not be contacted or has no printers. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470660C0130004You must enter a user name. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470661C0130005Failed to delete Network Print Server <servername>. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470662C0130006Failed to refresh Network Print Server data for server <servername>. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470663C0130007Could not enumerate all printers. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470664C0130008Could not enumerate printers for server <servername>. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470665C0130009Could not enumerate all drivers. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470666C013000ACould not enumerate drivers for server <servername>. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470667C013000BCould not enumerate MetaFrame servers for this farm. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470668C013000CCould not enumerate servers that have print driver <drivername>. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470669C013000DReplication failed. PrinterMgr 3222470670 C013000E Replication from server <servername> failed. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470671C013000FThe drivers you selected are for different platforms. When selecting multiple drivers, all drivers must be for the same platform. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470672C0130010Could not enumerate operating system platforms. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470673C0130011The specified driver already exists in the Compatibility list. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470674C0130012Failed to set Compatibility list. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470675C0130013Could not enumerate Driver Mapping list. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470676C0130014Failed to set Driver Mapping list. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470677C0130015Could not enumerate bandwidth limits. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470678C0130016Failed to set bandwidth limits. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470680C0130018Could not enumerate users and groups configured for printer <printername>. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470681C0130019Could not enumerate all users and groups for specified domain. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470682C013001aFailed to set Auto-creation settings for printer <printername>. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470684C013001CFailed to copy Auto-creation settings from printer <printername>. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470685C013001DCould not enumerate Client Printer list. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470686C013001EThe specified client printer already exists in the list. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470687C013001FThe specified port has already been assigned for this client. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470688C0130020Could not enumerate Auto-replication list. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470689C0130021Failed to set Auto-replication list. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470690C0130022Could not enumerate Compatibility list. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470691C0130023The specified client driver already exists in the Mapping list. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470692C0130024Could not enumerate domains. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470693C0130025Failed to set Client Printer list. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470694C0130026Failed to determine operating system platform for one or more servers in the farm. These servers cannot be used as destinations for printer driver replication actions. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470695C0130027The printer management system on the preferred server could not be contacted. You will not be able to make changes to printer-related data. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470696C0130028Could not enumerate servers with the print driver <drivername>. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470697C0130029The names of some users could not be obtained. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470698C013002ACould not get the platform for server <servername>. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470699C013002BCould not enumerate Network Print Servers. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470700C013002CFailed to get driver for printer <servername>. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470701C013002DThe specified domain does not exist or does not trust the farm. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222470704C0130030The specified driver has been marked incompatible with all server platforms in the farm. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503424C0138000An unknown error occurred. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503425C0138001General failure. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503426C0138002There is not enough memory to complete the operation. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503428C0138004There are not enough resources to complete the operation. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503429C0138005The item was not found. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503430C0138006The operation timed out. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503431C0138007Enumeration failed. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503432C0138008Access is denied. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503433C0138009Network failure. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503434C013800AThe destination could not be found. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503440C0138010The server could not be contacted. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503442C0138012Authentication failed. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503443C0138013The domain controller could not be contacted. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503444C0138014The item already exists. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503445C0138015The server is part of the farm. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222503446C0138016The network server has already been added. PrinterMgrPrinterMgr
3222798336C0180000Could not enumerate the user accounts in this Domain. There might be communication problems on the network. UserEnumeration
3222798337C0180001Could not collect required user account information for some or all of the accounts from this Domain. These users will not be added to Configured Accounts list. UserEnumerationUserEnumeration
3222798338C0180002The domain controller for this domain is not available. UserEnumerationUserEnumeration
3222798339C0180003One or more servers selected to host this application have failed to complete the initial startup sequence. The server(s) will not be available for publishing applications until the IMA service is restarted. UserEnumerationUserEnumeration
3222798340C0180004The accounts trusted by the selected servers could not be determined.UserEnumerationUserEnumeration
3222798341C0180005Could not enumerate domains. UserEnumeration
Various Various Could not attach load evaluator to this server. LMSAdmin Various Various Could not create a new load evaluator. LMSAdmin
Various Various Could not delete the load evaluator. LMSAdmin
Various Various Could not get the list of servers attached to the application. LMSAdmin
Various Various Could not modify the load evaluator. LMSAdmin
Various Various The Citrix Management Console failed to remove the server. AdminUserMgr
80240008  IM network browser failed. IMSMgr
80240002  Installer failed (usually ADF installer since MSI has its own error codes). IMSMgr
80240003  Logon to the network share account failed. IMSMgr
80240001  No network share point account is specified. IMSMgr
80240005  Package is in use and cannot be modified. IMSMgr
80240004  Package with the same name already exists. IMSMgr
80240006  The operation is not allowed, for example, a job cannot be modified after it is started. IMSMgr
80240007  The package file provided (when adding a package to the data store) is not a valid (msi or adf) package. IMSMgr

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